Sujet :

Les re-quizzz

   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 19:40:23   

Je reactualise le topic des quizz que Khao avait posté sur un autre forum .

Et pour commencer voilou pour vous :

Quelle chimère de final fantasy êtes-vous ?

A quel perso de ff10 ressemblez-vous le plus ?

Quel perso de ff9

Et enfin quel perso de ff7

Et pour Painou

Quel perso de Bleach seriez-vous dans votre prochaine vie?

Message édité le 20-01-2006 à 19:50:07 par Ikkaru
   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 19:44:40   

You are Ifrit! You're a mainstay in everyone's party, even if you do have a breath problem. Ever steadfast, you reduce all but the toughest (or flame-retardant) foes to a pile of ash in moments.

...J'ai peut-être mal compris les questions
   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 19:48:17   

Je suis Odin
   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 19:51:39   

( y'a pas beaucoup de choix mais tu devais pas être loin d'Anima )

You are Yuna (my personal favorite)! You're probably more pure and honest than I'll ever be, so good for you. You have a tendancy to help others, and have a loving and caring nature. People are drawn to you because of your strong sense of virtue, and you would easily give up everything to save the ones that you love.

Je suis Yuna au deuxième quizz ... c'est contradictoire é_é
   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 19:53:44   

M'étonnes-pas en plus j'adore cette chimère dans FFX.

M'étonnes pas non plus ^-^

Message édité le 20-01-2006 à 19:56:36 par Vangie
   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 20:01:20   

Je suis Auron

You are Auron! Kick ass! Let's face it- you don't like people that much, but the friends that you do have are very close and dear to you. You are slow to trust others, which can be good and bad thing because you shouldn't give trust too easily these days. A lone wolf would describe you best. Often calm and cool-headed, your friends look to you for guidence. But look out! You can still whip anyone who messes with you.
   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 20:04:09   

Et voilou pour les persos de ff7 , 9 et Bleach
   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 20:18:47   

Like Freya you are in pain and in search for the cure, love hurts you easily probally due to a past experience. You teach others through your experience and people come to you for help.


Out of the main Final Fantasy VII protagonists, you are the most like Cloud Strife. People often see you as a loner; a cynical, self-involved loner. If they knew the real you, however, they would understand that your cynicism and supposedly self-involved nature are really a shield for your feelings. You may be independent, but you're also strong, protective, courageous, caring, and determined. You don't always know how to express yourself, whether you're trying to crack a joke or confess your feelings for someone, but because of this, when you really do articulate yourself you can be considered as one of the most sincere people a human could know. Due to this only intuitive people can really understand your secret language and get close to you. Once you learn to let others in and tone down that desire to be selfish in order to protect your own heart, you will become a golden soul who many can flock to and rely on.

Et enfin je suis Kuchiki Byakuya
   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 20:45:23   

ne suis...Aizen Sousuke...

je sais pas exactement qui c'est(n'en suis vraimen,t pas loin dans Bleach) qi c'essssssssssssst?
   Posté le 20-01-2006 à 21:57:23   

JE suis Djidane
Like Zidane you like to help people and like to lokk at life optimistically. You love to have a good time and can be cheeky sometimes. Laughter is your favourite thing but your loved ones are your main concern, if they are happy so are you.

Avec mes réponses j'aurai plutôt dit Qweena ...
Mitoko triball
   Posté le 22-01-2006 à 13:22:53   

Je serais donc mon frère?Ca ne m'étonne pas

Pour FF X:

You are Yuna (my personal favorite)! You're probably more pure and honest than I'll ever be, so good for you. You have a tendancy to help others, and have a loving and caring nature. People are drawn to you because of your strong sense of virtue, and you would easily give up everything to save the ones that you love.

Pourquoi ça ne m'étonne pas? ^^"

Pour FF VII:


Out of the main Final Fantasy VII protagonists, you are the most like Aeris Gainsborough. You radiate the soul of a celestial being; your understanding of the world's workings and inhabitants is beyond keen; it's almost like fate is constantly whispering in your ear and giving you all of the answers. Because you're expressive and you have an undying love for mankind, some people think of you as being too dependant or helpless. You're actually the opposite, because you're courageous, honest, and independent. Despite how you like to be accompanied in most everything you do, and despite how you don't mind being helped every now and then, you are very capable of helping yourself succeed and helping others find the beauty within themselves. No matter what trouble you find yourself in, you can rely on the many friends you've made with that otherworldly personality you possess, and you can rely on yourself to find a way to overcome your conflicts. You have wonderful intuition, but sometimes you can be a little naive when you let your belief that all people have the potential to be pure gets in the way. Continue to shine and help people discover themselves. If more people were like you, the world wouldn't be so troubled.

Pas étonnée non plus ^^"

Et pour la chimère je suis Carbuncle ^^
   Posté le 22-01-2006 à 15:25:06   

mais ce sont que des persos Mimi ghaaaaaaa *bave devant Mimi *
Mitoko triball
   Posté le 22-01-2006 à 16:58:45   

Par contre pour Bleach il doit y avoir une erreur O_o
Une grosse erreur...
Je refais le test pour voir ^^"
   Posté le 22-01-2006 à 18:49:14   


You are Carbuncle! Rather than attacking, you help protect party members from taking damage. You're always there when you're needed, and you're a cutie to boot

You are Kimahri! One of the most loyal and protective people of your friends, you'll never back down from a fight if your friends are in danger. People know they can count on you for protection and care, and yet something about you also commands authority. You are wise but modest, and will probably form lifelong friendships.

Like Vivi you question life constantly your answers make you like you fit in and they give you the wisdom to teacher others. Your never sure on the people you meet at first and takes you a while to get close but you greet everyone with happiness.


Out of the main Final Fantasy VII protagonists, you are the most like Cait Sith. Most people are ashamed when they receive this answer, but there's really no reason to be. A very spirited, enthusiastic, and charismatic being, you like to have as much fun as your lifespan will allow. Whether other people are aware of it or not, you can pick up friends very easily and without much persuasion on your part. Some may find you a little obnoxious and overbearing if you let your excitement for living and loving get the best of you, so try to keep your antics under control every now and then. When someone is feeling depressed or stressed, you do seem to know when to calm down and extend yourself. You're a great listener, even if sometimes you get a little carried away. You also know more than you let on; there is definitely untapped sagacity within you. And not only are you the ultimate fun friend and playmate, you also know how to get very creative when you're bored. You make others grin even when they're not accustomed to. You are a natural ray of sunshine. Just don't let others be fooled into thinking that carefree happiness is your only emotion. You obviously have more to you than meets the eye, so let those aspects of you out so that people can empathize with you more. Optimism is your middle name, so let other people know this and learn from you!

(gné? oO )
   Posté le 22-01-2006 à 18:49:20   

je suis Anima................où est le dico ?

Like Vivi you question life constantly your answers make you like you fit in and they give you the wisdom to teacher others. Your never sure on the people you meet at first and takes you a while to get close but you greet everyone with happiness.



Kusajishi Yachiru

15 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 238 times.
6% of people had this result.

apparement C rare

Message édité le 22-01-2006 à 18:50:07 par mike
Mitoko triball
   Posté le 23-01-2006 à 10:37:24   

Toi aussi tu es Carbuncle Khao? ^^

Par contre j'ai refait le test de Bleach et ça donne toujours la meme chose :

C'est diable pas possible...
J'ai rien contre lui,mais on ne se ressemble pas du tout...
Enfin je crois O_o
   Posté le 23-01-2006 à 12:07:13   

Un coup je suis Aizen, un autre je suis Byakuya et ni l'un ni l'autre ne me ressemble >_>
Mitoko triball
   Posté le 23-01-2006 à 12:18:30   

On a un problème avec ce test ne-san et moi ^^"
   Posté le 23-01-2006 à 12:22:23   

Moi je suis tombé sur ça:

Mais franchement j'en sais rien je connais pas Bleach...
Mitoko triball
   Posté le 23-01-2006 à 12:38:13   

Oh la chance!!!
C'est un sacré brin de femme la Rukia
   Posté le 23-01-2006 à 12:55:56   

Rukia *__* ça nous ressemblerait déjà plus, à Mimi et moi ^^'

De toute façon la dernière question ya un problème, il manque la 4ème division... comment on fait si on peut etre Hanatarou ou Unohaha? >_<
   Posté le 23-01-2006 à 13:06:24   

Moi j'ai marqué que je ne voulais être dans aucune division vu que je sais même pas ce dont il s'agit XD
Mitoko triball
   Posté le 23-01-2006 à 13:07:46   

vi c'est vrai ^^
Moi on m'a dit que j'incarnerais bien soit Hanatarou,soit Hinamori O_o
Ah bon???
   Posté le 23-01-2006 à 13:58:01   

Khao... tu vas pas le croire... j'ai encore les mêmes résultats que toi ^^''' sauf pour ça


Out of the main Final Fantasy VII protagonists, you are the most like Barret Wallace. When a person first interacts with you, they see a person who is strong willed, opinionated, determined, and even stubborn...but there is so much more to you than that. Underneath your no-nonsense exterior lies a big heart full of concern for others and the world around you. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks that you are selfish. There have been troubles in your past, but you have the will power to defeat many of your conflicts. Unfortunately you have the habit of closing off or toning down many of your emotions. Being serious can be very beneficial for when you want to accomplish something, but don't be afraid to let lose and let others in. Show everyone the big heart you know you have. You're also very dedicated to your family and your friends, despite that all-work-and-no-play lifestyle. You would do anything for your close affiliates, even sacrifice yourself. Only those who know you best really understand this side of you, but anyone who has had at least the slightest contact with you will see just how noble you really are.

   Posté le 24-01-2006 à 20:01:23   

   Posté le 18-02-2006 à 10:36:36   



You are Tidus! You just want to make your mark on the world, and have your own story. Maybe it's that you feel underestimated, but for whatever reason you feel the need to stand out. Don't worry though- you are a unique person already, and no one can take that away from you.

1444 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 5806 times.
25% of people had this result.



Out of the main Final Fantasy VII protagonists, you are the most like Barret Wallace. When a person first interacts with you, they see a person who is strong willed, opinionated, determined, and even stubborn...but there is so much more to you than that. Underneath your no-nonsense exterior lies a big heart full of concern for others and the world around you. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks that you are selfish. There have been troubles in your past, but you have the will power to defeat many of your conflicts. Unfortunately you have the habit of closing off or toning down many of your emotions. Being serious can be very beneficial for when you want to accomplish something, but don't be afraid to let lose and let others in. Show everyone the big heart you know you have. You're also very dedicated to your family and your friends, despite that all-work-and-no-play lifestyle. You would do anything for your close affiliates, even sacrifice yourself. Only those who know you best really understand this side of you, but anyone who has had at least the slightest contact with you will see just how noble you really are.

15 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 354 times.
4% of people had this result.
   Posté le 22-02-2006 à 20:35:13   

You are Shiva! You may not be one for comradery, but you get the job done with icy precision. Beware of the Diamond Dust!

You are Auron! Kick ass! Let's face it- you don't like people that much, but the friends that you do have are very close and dear to you. You are slow to trust others, which can be good and bad thing because you shouldn't give trust too easily these days. A lone wolf would describe you best. Often calm and cool-headed, your friends look to you for guidence. But look out! You can still whip anyone who messes with you.
   Posté le 22-02-2006 à 20:59:23   

   Posté le 22-02-2006 à 23:39:44   

Mias pour ce qui est du physique, je dirais plutot Shiva

*se casse pour une autre planéte*
   Posté le 22-02-2006 à 23:45:02   

je ne dirais rien...
   Posté le 05-03-2006 à 18:32:01   

G refait le test bleach et cette fois je suis Gin

C vrai que je l'adore ^^

je suis aussi fan de Toushiro
   Posté le 13-07-2006 à 23:28:42   


J'ai trouvé quelques quizz sympa :

Quel personnage de manga êtes-vous ?

Vous etes Kenshin Himura!
Quelle personnalite complexe! Vous apparaissez calme et serein, serviable, pas mechant pour deux sous, et toujours la pour vos amis qui vous adorent... Mais au fond, qui etes-vous? Un etre violent, qui se laisse dominer par la haine lorsque le desespoir le surpend... C'est pas drole tous les jours, mais rassurez-vous, vous savez vous maitriser, et utiliser vos capacites au service d'une juste cause: la raison est toujours plus forte que l'instinct.

Quel personnage de Naruto êtes-vous ?

Quel personnage d'Inu Yasha êtes-vous ?

Quel personnage de FMA êtes-vous ?

Quel Homonculus de FMA êtes-vous ?

Quel personnage de Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle êtes-vous ?

   Posté le 14-07-2006 à 01:17:28   

Vous etes Shinji Ikari!Sensible, renferme, lache... Vous n'avez pas vraiment l'etoffe d'un heros! Mais peu importe, vous etes profondement bon, vous ne ferez jamais de mal a une mouche (de peur qu'elle ne vous aggresse...). Cependant, il faut se mefier de l'eau qui dort, et que personne ne cherche a eveiller la bete qui est en vous, sous peine de le regretter amerement

Message édité le 14-07-2006 à 17:01:40 par Dreac
   Posté le 14-07-2006 à 12:30:10   

Vous etes Kenshin Himura!
Quelle personnalite complexe! Vous apparaissez calme et serein, serviable, pas mechant pour deux sous, et toujours la pour vos amis qui vous adorent... Mais au fond, qui etes-vous? Un etre violent, qui se laisse dominer par la haine lorsque le desespoir le surpend... C'est pas drole tous les jours, mais rassurez-vous, vous savez vous maitriser, et utiliser vos capacites au service d'une juste cause: la raison est toujours plus forte que l'instinct.

Je suis Alphonse. Je suis aussi Envy et enfin je suis Shaolan !
   Posté le 14-07-2006 à 12:58:13   

Vous etes Shinji Ikari!
Sensible, renferme, lache... Vous n'avez pas vraiment l'etoffe d'un heros! Mais peu importe, vous etes profondement bon, vous ne ferez jamais de mal a une mouche (de peur qu'elle ne vous aggresse...). Cependant, il faut se mefier de l'eau qui dort, et que personne ne cherche a eveiller la bete qui est en vous, sous peine de le regretter amerement!

Sans commentaire
   Posté le 14-07-2006 à 13:02:34   

Vous etes Shinji Ikari!
Sensible, renferme, lache... Vous n'avez pas vraiment l'etoffe d'un heros! Mais peu importe, vous etes profondement bon, vous ne ferez jamais de mal a une mouche (de peur qu'elle ne vous aggresse...). Cependant, il faut se mefier de l'eau qui dort, et que personne ne cherche a eveiller la bete qui est en vous, sous peine de le regretter amerement!

   Posté le 15-07-2006 à 02:08:49   

en invoc (ça m'a un peu étonné je me croyais plus bourrin que ça je suis vraiment un loyal bon qui s'ignore en fait XD )

Pour FFX

You are Lulu! Intelligent and attractive at the same time- if only I could find a guy like that...ahem. You are the one in your group of friends that people will come to for answers, because you're intelligent beyond your years. Others may see you as an outcast, but you just see them as idiots. More power to you!

Pour FF IX

Like Steiner you are confused when faced with problems but will do what it takes to help people even if your not sure its what you should be doing. You worry about small things that when you look back were insignificant but at the time they are the world.

(pourquoi pas...)

Pour FF VII :


Out of the main Final Fantasy VII protagonists, you are the most like Tifa Lockhart. Strong, sensible, caring, honest, devoted, and supportive, you are often the glue that holds a group together, even if the group isn't aware of it. You will easily dedicate yourself to a person, cause, or idea and you will stick with it so long as it remains true. At the first impression a person may consider you to be as solid as your strength of will, character, heart, and ability. Those who know you best consider you to be somewhat susceptible and submissive to your own emotions. However, you are charming, optimistic, dedicated, and reliable, and people love to be around you. Don't be afraid to step out of the shadows of your doubts and shine. Among your numerous appealing qualities also lies an unbreakable sense of responsibility. You will never shirk your duties, you always know how to prioritize, and it will take an overwhelming amount of friction for you to truely back down from a challenge. People often rely on you to have things under control, some might even use you as a day planner if they have you wrapped around their thumb. You are the weight that keeps everyone down to earth, but that doesn't mean you don't have room to dream. Your dreams are more realistic and achievable, and usually they involve someone you care about. You want what's best for everyone...even if that means you're out of the picture. This isn't the only answer; don't just let yourself fade away. You are devoted, responsible, and attractive...take advantage of your many lovely qualities.


Et pour Naruto...

   Posté le 15-07-2006 à 02:13:01   

Hé ben dis donc Shira je ne te voyais pas comme ça, ça casse le mythe
   Posté le 15-07-2006 à 13:24:03   

je comprends rien a l'anglais je suis pa sprete de faire les tests -_-
   Posté le 15-07-2006 à 17:14:25   

mdr Shira tu viens en un post de détruire la réputation que tu t'étais durement forgée toutes ces années!
   Posté le 15-07-2006 à 17:53:56   

Ce qui m'étonne le plus, c'est que le test sur Naruto je l'avais déjà y a quelques mois, et j'avais eu Shikamaru (feignasse intelligente ça me plaisait bien )

Et donc oui...
La vérité éclate...
Mon énorme carcasse de chair n'est pas une ressource de force brute, mais l'amure pour protéger mon coeur fragile
Membre désinscrit
   Posté le 16-07-2006 à 05:31:19   

Shira, t'es d'un romantisme aiguë et ça se voit. Pour être romantique, faut d'abord avoir ses faiblesses donc rend ces rôles féminins en masculin et tu verras que dans le fond, t'as un p'tit côté de toi fragile qui ne veut que ton bien et pas s'enfoncer. Ce qui est tout à fait normal. Mais le truc de "casse le mythe" dis toi que c'est aussi des foutaises car t'es aussi le type qui a conquit nos coeurs. (bien entendu, anou est celle qui en a le plus de privilèges... nonnnnn chui pas zalou!!) Ou la ressource de force brute d'un charisme flambloyant.

*s'assome avec une panne à frire*

Gné? J'ai dit un truc?

*se rend compte qu'il dépasse minuit et va se coucher*
   Posté le 16-07-2006 à 10:52:58   

Je continue les tests...

Lui ça peut aller il me correspond mais...

Alors lui il est bidon comme test, franchement...
   Posté le 16-07-2006 à 11:07:31   

Danny a écrit :

Shira, t'es d'un romantisme aiguë et ça se voit. Pour être romantique, faut d'abord avoir ses faiblesses donc rend ces rôles féminins en masculin et tu verras que dans le fond, t'as un p'tit côté de toi fragile qui ne veut que ton bien et pas s'enfoncer. Ce qui est tout à fait normal. Mais le truc de "casse le mythe" dis toi que c'est aussi des foutaises car t'es aussi le type qui a conquit nos coeurs. (bien entendu, anou est celle qui en a le plus de privilèges... nonnnnn chui pas zalou!!) Ou la ressource de force brute d'un charisme flambloyant.

Mais non c'est pas vrai en fait je suis méchant è____é
Vous voyez ce petit chaton là ? Et ben je vais le taper avec mes godasses renforcées.
*chope le chaton et lui fait un câlin*
Gnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa j'y arrive pas °>____<°
   Posté le 16-07-2006 à 11:47:01   

de mieux en mieux...

et j'ai refais ce test, c'est toujours le même et ca correspond pas avec les deux au dessus

(c'est un problème de personnalité je l'ai toujours dit )
(tout à fait )
   Posté le 16-07-2006 à 12:05:17   

Ca me fait bien rire, le coup de Gaara

   Posté le 16-07-2006 à 12:09:59   

ben c'pas ma faute si je tombe toujours sur lui
   Posté le 16-07-2006 à 12:12:44   

J'y pense, quelqu'un est capable de retrouver le Quizz pokemon? XD
   Posté le 16-07-2006 à 14:55:46   

J'ai fait les quizz en françcais des mangas que je connaissais, alors :

Pour ' personnage manga ' :

Chui' Kenshin =/

Pour Naruto :

Ah Naruto

Pour FMA :

IZUMI ? étonnant =/ J'me laisse parfois marcher sur les pieds mais bon

Pour FMA Homonculus :

O_O' ...

Tout cela est étonnant O_O'
Membre désinscrit
   Posté le 16-07-2006 à 19:51:56   

Shiranui a écrit :

Mais non c'est pas vrai en fait je suis méchant è____é
Vous voyez ce petit chaton là ? Et ben je vais le taper avec mes godasses renforcées.
*chope le chaton et lui fait un câlin*
Gnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa j'y arrive pas °>____<°

Une grosse brute au coeur d'or...

*se barre en courrant*
   Posté le 24-07-2006 à 21:59:38   

Héhé, on en apprends toujours sur soi même XD
   Posté le 25-07-2006 à 03:57:14   
